Brooklynn33's Profile

Member Info
Name: Brooklynn33
Birthday: Apr 11 2000
Location: Montana
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Thu, 30 Jul 2015
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hi there. Well I'm Brooklynn. I've been practicing for like three years. Noticed I was psychic like 4 years ago and then thought to try and practice Magic and stuff. Clairvoyant. I have often seen spirits and communicated with them. For about 8 months since July 2014 my psychic abilities were shut out of my life and suddenly just rushed back. I absolutely love my life and take it for granted in being able to be psychic. I have journaled every experience for two years I find it helps me a lot. I usually have dreams and get numbers that predict the future while also have small little spurts of predicting with no numbers. I've had bad experiences with ouija boards and demonic spirits. Some day I hope to be able to travel to haunted places and communicate with the spirits or do special effects for movies. If anybody have any advice to give me I will dearly appreciate it I amd usually I chill nice person unless you are mean first. You can message me if you would like but I'm not just going to chat. I'm here for magic im not very good at helping but I'll try.. But any advice for me I will take. Thank you...