coolcat8741's Profile

Member Info
Name: coolcat8741
Birthday: Aug 26 2004
Location: Prundale,CA
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Fri, 19 Jun 2015
Membership: Member

Youtube: view

Personal Bio
Guadalupe Alvarez was born in 2005 as the youngest.She's now 10 years old.School was a hard time for her because of the bullies who lie and use sweet talk on adults.They're spoiled,mean,greedy brats.They get what they want.So Guadalupe was in pain for one year and she couldn't stand the pain.If they kept bullying her and cyberbullying her....SHE COULD HAVE DIED IN SUCH HORRIBLE PAIN.She was a very sweet kind girl,but to protect herself from them,she bullys them back.She is now safe from that horrible pain.Good thing she's in summer vacation.Her teacher Morley thaught she was just a mean,evil girl,but he was wrong.If she died,then she would not come here and become a witch.