Katelyn23's Profile

Member Info
Name: Katelyn23
Birthday: Dec 30 1998
Location: Virginia Beach
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Fri, 12 Feb 2016
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
You have to fall before you fly.

I am 16 years old. I have been practicing for 2 years, but I was introduced to this life much earlier then that, because of my aunt, but because of personal reasons I wasn't able to continue practicing until I was ready, however I kept with astral projection.
I am an empath, and I can feel spirits (which I assume is because of the fact that I am an empath), and I occasionally see them.
Magick is what I turned to, to feel safe from certain spirits, and it felt right. I had a sense of finding my self, and coming home. Like I was safe.
My Aunt would always tell me stories about magick, she taught me the basics, herbal remedies, crystals and astral projection.
I know the basics about herbal remedies, crystals, potions, spells, and dreams. I'm still learning how to control my empathy, because at the moment, it seems more of a burden, than of a gift. I am also looking into divination and spirits, since I have seen spirits. Also, I want to gain more in depth knowledge of the topics I have basic knowledge in. However, I do have a lot of experience with astral projection, meditation, and chakras.
My craft name is Marma May.
I like getting mail, so feel free to message me with questions or any advice that you may have. Please don't message me trying to flirt, that is not the purpose of me being on this site. Also, I suck at small talk, so try to keep the conversations meaningful and knowledgeable.