Lady_Aylin's Profile

Member Info
Name: Lady_Aylin
Birthday: Aug 26 1992
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Tue, 03 May 2022
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I've always wondered about the mysteries of life on this planet and the universe. It's a beautiful place full of magic and learning~
1. Magick is just magick to me. I believe it is *psychodrama* to change the will and forces around me.
2. I do not believe in the existance of 'good' nor 'evil'. It is a human construct.
3. Magick is a way to get in touch with my creative side.
4. I feel like I'm more of a Luciferian versus a neo-pagan.
5. I do not agree with Karma or three-fold law. I feel like there's all sides to the situation not to mention, there's just cause-and-effect.
6. I enjoy cats! Bast and Sekhmet is the goddesses that I use as archetypes.
That's it for now.