MitchieShane's Profile

Member Info
Name: MitchieShane
Location: In a place where i can be alone.
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Thu, 23 Apr 2009
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hi!! please call me Kay. I love magic because I use it to help others. I don't like to think that people use money spells because some people work hard to get money while the ones who do spells can get off with out much hard work. I believe in sprites and spiritual powers. advise people have herd but never pay attention to.. " With great power comes grest responsibility" Magic is a responsibility with power people should pay this thought. ABOUT ME Name: Kay Age: 16 Personality: I can be loud but sometimes i become shy. I hate hurting peoples feelings. Other: I can speak two Languages. I read about five hours a day and I climb trees alot. Which my friends find really odd because i am a girl.