Vetus_Deus's Profile

Member Info
Name: Vetus_Deus
Location: Canada
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Sun, 04 Jan 2009
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
"Is this real? In my head? Isn't it the same? All I know, is that ignorance is shame, And sin if one's not willed to bring it tame. Who am I? The Spirit, the Just Sword of Flame "The Heart Girt with a Serpent is my name." My truthful tongue speaketh both Moliere and Shakespeare Both being part of my ever favorite spear In my words there is something tangible to fear At least, this is what I intend, to where I steer" In case you haven't noticed, I like words. Just like Witches' wands, alchemists' arrays and mages' elaborate material, I believe they hold a stronger power then we discern at first sight. After all, they do forge, to a certain extent, what we are. I'm extremely interested in the paranormal area. I don't practice the magick of a group or affiliation, but I do know the basics of a few; Witchcraft, alchemy, psychics, general clairvoyance and others. This resume my personality a bit too; I rarely tend to settle on one style of anything, preferring to build my own technique with raw material people were kind enough to teach me. By my presence on this board, I do wish to have the chance to share you this knowledge.