Kagamin's Profile

Member Info
Name: Kagamin
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Wed, 26 Nov 2008
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hiii! ^.^ You can call me Kagamin, the special name for one of my favorite characters in Lucky Star! As you can guess, I'm a huge anime fan. ^^ I like Bleach and Naruto as well...I need to catch up on my Naruto actually, I'm WAAAY behind. ^^; I also collect anime figures, especially ones that are poseable, I like to customize those by repainting them and stuff...I also like ball-jointed dolls, too, but I can't afford one yet. I'm trying to make my own from parts, but I'm not so hot at it... ^^; I'm also a Wiccan, I have been for the past 3 years. It's my dream to be a priestess someday and help other people as much as I can! ^^ I don't have any formal training though...I've just kinda figured it out on my own through books and practice. So I don't belong to any neat tradition or anything (I wish I did!). Feel free to PM me or say hi anytime, I love to chat with peoples. :3 Oh, don't ask my age or where I live though, I don't like to share that stuff online. o.o Too many crazy people out there, ya know?