darkrouge's Profile

Member Info
Name: darkrouge
Location: California
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Mon, 09 Feb 2009
Membership: Member

Myspace: view

Personal Bio
you can call me rouge. aries. i'm eighteen years old. student at a university. bipolar. when i was born, they said my eyes had "old soul." i've been very interested in magick and witchcraft lately, so i decided to sign up with this site to meet people and learn as much as i can. my religious belief is that every individual has their own path and religion (or lack thereof) which suits them and their spirituality. not that there is only ONE true way and those who practice or follow any other belief will burn in hell. i've come to despise conservative christians for this reason... they are the most intolerant people i've ever known. my idea is that maybe nothing happens when you die, and you should be spiritual in a way that you enjoy. i'm not about to worship a god for fear of eternal hell. fear or guilt should never be a motivation. i would LOVE if you'd send me a message and we could talk and get to know each other, as long as you're not a creeper or stalker. ;) i really want to talk to people who have been a part of this community for a while i think they'll be able to help me the most. :D i'm especially interested in spell casting and tarot cards. here's the results of a chakra test i took: root: under-active (-25%) physical energy, vitality sacral: over-active (75%) emotions, sexuality navel: under-active (6%) leadership heart: under-active (-19%) compassion, affection throat: open (44%) communication, expression third eye: open (38%) telepathic energy, visualization crown: under-active (-6%) thought, wisdom