Omgosh, I don't like writing things about myself, having said that here is my best shot. As you can see I'm Cyndi, I am a true southern girl. I do live in the deep south and I grew up in South Louisiana. My first experience with any type of craft was in my teens: including myself I think 4 of us had warts on knees, fingers, wherever, and I had tried the over the counter remover that didn't work. So, one day my boyfriends mom sat us all around the table and said she was gonna make a phone call to get rid of our warts. We all said "a phone call to get rid of our warts" The strange part was that at our young ages we weren't a bit skeptical because it was South Louisiana after all. WE were instructed to simply say we had a wart and its location then pass the phone and by no means were we to say thank you. Now the phones getting passed then it's my turn, well wouldn't you know it I was the one who said thank you (It was my parents fault I was a proper southern girl after all).The next day ALL of our warts were gone even mine. From then on I was always a believer and intrigued. Life took a different path for me Life took a different path for me though, after school there were marriages (2) children (also 2) and I am now the proud Nana of 7 Grandchildren ranging in age from 21 to 1 year.On both coasts no less. Makes the birthdays and holidays a bit of a challenge.
Now, my life with all of it's blessings has still been a shit show for just about as long as I can remember it seems like it's always been one catastrophe after the other. So after the last debacle I said "Self, we're gonna try something new and different" and I started reading and researching and Here I am. I visited my local meta-physical store and got a few little things to start off with (this stuff ain't cheap y'all) I did my first spell about 3 1/2 weeks ago. I wasn't real confident about it, I fumbled the words, and was very nervous. So, a week later I did the same spell but better this time. I was more confident I found out 2 days after doing it the 2nd time that it had actually worked. I was So happy!!!!
Now, I can't get enough knowledge or absorb it quickly enough.
I am so very excited about this chapter and can't wait to see where it takes me!
I am so looking forward to this ride!
Brooms Up Everyone!