Plenilunio's Profile

Member Info
Name: Plenilunio
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Fri, 26 Jul 2024
Membership: Member
Coven Title: Council

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Personal Bio
Hello, I'm an Italian witch. I have one cat and one dog, respectively called Bob and Mou, and I love them so much. I'm not a "social witch". This means I prefer to work alone. I use magic stones, crystals and my magic powers for my Spells. I'll tell you a little secret. I have a bad illness called depression. This is a really awful thing. So, because of my depression, sometimes I may need someone who understand me and can help me overcome difficulties. Thank you. I have a big very very big passion for Formula 1. This is my favorite sport. Yeah, maybe someone will think this is not a thing for witches and wizards but... I love Formula 1. My favorite team is Scuderia Ferrari. :)