Gay_Queen's Profile

Member Info
Name: Gay_Queen
Birthday: May 6 2008
Location: Oklahoma
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Thu, 27 Mar 2025
Membership: Member
Coven Title: Council

Personal Bio
OMG can you guys quit with some of those rude questions? Yes I'm gay and yes I don't want to go to heaven and yes Satan is my dad ;) So quit asking!
Also can somebody send me some type of protection necklace? Or some type of necklace? Please?... Thanks! Also no I don't bite ;)


Hey, I'm a proud LGBTQIA+ member. I love to talk and I'm a bit crazy LoL. I also just know I'm a little annoying too. I know this isn't a dating site but I would like to find my Mr right sometime somewhere! I'm just hoping some guy would stop by and ask someday, thank you.