Soulfire130's Profile

Member Info
Name: Soulfire130
Birthday: Apr 20 1991
Location: U.S.A
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Mon, 17 Jun 2013
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
Types of magic currently being practiced: energy manipulation (main focus that branches to other practices.) banishing protection Shadow magick Chaos magick Dragon magick Sign: taurus I have studied magick for what's going to be 4 years. 12 years if you count the years as a child when I was obsessed with trying to be a werewolf, but let stick with 4 yrs, ok? All I learned were myths and tricks that were too dangerous or too stupid to work. And in the end, all I learned was to make my hand hot and numb or cold by concentrating. Actual, full-hearted practice with magick will be 2 1/2 yrs. Mostly collect information and practice. Also, I don't answer mail with subjects that have no subject or having something like "Hi." I don't do spells, they work better if you do them. Basically won't anything like that for you. "You can't have light without darkness and you can't have darkness without light. Without one, you wouldn't know what the other was."