eafws10's Profile

Member Info
Name: eafws10
Birthday: Mar 2 1990
Location: Georgia
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Tue, 27 Jul 2010
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
Bout me... My name is Maria, Im spanish,Im 19 years old, and located in Georgia. Im not new to the whole witch thing, it runs in the family bloodline, (not joking) I have just started working on my own strength, and energy, with the five elements, and with the night and moon. Im a very honest, and loyal person. Reading, writing, and anything artistic I love to do. Im a very open person, and I listen just as well. I hope one day soon to become a journalist and psychology, and be able to travel the world, and be able to write about other people, cultures, history and ways of life as well as beliefs. I have a younger sister, who is some what following my shoes with the witch thing.., shes already discovered her element which is air.., I on the other hand have been trying to figure out which exactly will become my teacher. I have a free spirit, I love traveling, and meeting new people. I decided to add this bit of information because well I had a feeling it would be better.., anyways.., well..... I just wanted to write something about me, but everyone seeks different information, so I guess if you have any question please ask, and I hope that everyone who i ask questions to will be just as open. Thank you and Merry meet, Merry part and Merry meet again. Quotes "dark does not always equal evil and light does not always mean good" "as one chapter closes, another begins" "open your mind to everything in life"- me "my spirit is as free as a bird, but as strong as a dragon, I can not be caged in, and when that day does come it will not be the end of me but only the beginning of my revenage" - me "Every choice you make either gets you closer to your destiny or further.., but you will still reach it, it might just take a little longer than before"-me Found out what my animal spirit guides were, turns out to be the Tiger, and the Dragon. Love it!