Lanti's Profile

Member Info
Name: Lanti
Birthday: Mar 25 1993
Location: Tennessee
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Tue, 08 Feb 2011
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
I am Amber Ferguson also known as Lantiera Delessio. I am 17 years old in this body and have had several reincarnations throughout the world's long years. I am an heir to the throne of Warlordship and will soon become the Warlord of Demons. I am very powerful within the soul and mind and have sometimes have a bit of a temper when it comes to fights. I am here to show my responsibilities as a true warlord. That is all I can do for now. I will describe myself a little more thorough though.
Abilities- Blood Magick, Spiritual, Darkness, Fire, Wind, Extra Sensory Perspective(I can hear and see spirits), Master of Astral Projection, Electricity, and Earth.
Weaknesses- Touching my neck brings up bad memories of the past(but I will destroy you if you even dare try to touch me there), Claustrophobic, and Hearing Damage.
Friends- Anyone willing not to upset me or cause problems
Characteristics- I am very mature for my age and yet I am also very hyper and energetic. I tend to absorb feeling through positive and negative energy so please don't bring any negative energy toward my presence. I am also very friendly, except for when someone is picking on one of my friends. I can get angry very easily and I do tend to try and control it. I also can't really cry though I can show the emotion. I am also a serious person when asked a serious question.
This is all I am allowed to show you so I hope you like it. If you have any questions over my profile or you just want to talk, just mail me and I'll mail back whenever I can. Blessings to all!