exactly what it sounds like. for entertainment purposes only.
Casting Instructions for 'mermaid spell'
You will need the following items for this spell:
copy of a generation 7 pokemon game
You will need the following items for this spell:
copy of a generation 7 pokemon game
put a gen 7 game into the 3ds. play until you get either a primarina or a tapu fini. put that pokemon in the front of your party. then,say 3 times "oh,i wish to be a mermaid with a (color) tail. this is my wish,so mote it be,mote it be,mote it be." the effects will be greater if primarina knows aqua tail or tapu fini knows water pulse.
A applaud you for pointing out your spell will not work because it is for entertainment, and while this site does have a disclaimer that the spells are entertainment as a legal matter, I would appreciate if you would not spread misinformation, simply because it gives those trying to teach a harder time educating others.
You are Pika, by posting fake spells to the site you are making our job of educating new members more difficult. When we try to show non witches that we don't believe impossible things like transforming into a mermaid, fake spells like this is used by non witches to discredit us. So while you don't intend any harm, Tadashi is correct when he calls what you do ''misinformation''.
You're aware this site promotes actual magick that wiccans, pagans, heathens, druids and other real witches practice? This isn't a site for roleplaying [it's actually against the rules. The only reason ''entertainment purposes'' is anywhere on this site is legal reasons] This is a religious/spiritual site. If you want to make up spells for fun, I'm sure there are roleplaying sites to choose from. If you want to learn actual magick, this is the site for it.
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