Healing headaches

SpellsBeauty  ► Cure  ► Healing headaches
Stops most headaches. Very effective.

Casting Instructions for 'Healing headaches'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Belief
  • Strong voice
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Belief
  • Strong voice

Place your writing hand on to your stomach. Recite;

"Cuckerdya pal m're per

Caven save misece

Cuckerdya pal m're per

Den miseceske from odry prejial!"


Added to on Jul 03, 2018
Last edited on Oct 04, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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does it even work

Oct 03, 2019
You must try it to see if it will work. If you believe, it most often will work

Oct 03, 2019
i might do this while sipping some mint tea, but it can work in theory

this works if you can pronounce the words right

May 19, 2022
So What does it mean? Translation? I can't do a spell without translation.

How do u pronounce it

What language is that?

Jan 27, 2021
It's latin if you don't understand it try finding a way to translate it

If you do not speak Latin, do not use it. I would use ginger tea instead of a chant. Charge it with energy, and as you sip, imagine your stomach healing.

Is this a stomachache spell or a headache spell because the name and the instructions do not match up

Apr 20, 2024
Here is a translation of the incantation, it might provide context;

''Frogs in my belly Devour what is bad!

Frogs in my belly Show the evil the way out!''


The source I found lumps this in as a 'gypsy' spell, but I have no idea on the veracity of that claim as I have not spent enough time hunting for comparative sources. But it seems, if the translation is correct, that having hands over your stomach is because you are asking for 'the Frogs in my stomach' to go to the source of the problem (evil) and cast it out.

It is interesting that Frogs are referenced as well. That is a new one on me. Perhaps they represent something in Gypsy culture that I am not aware of. I imagine they might be viewed as protective animals because they eat the insects that make us sick- protecting us from them. ...But that is a shot in the dark.

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