Stress Relief

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SpellsBeauty  ► Cure  ► Stress Relief
This spell is used to make someone you care about feel better if they are under a lot of stress.

Casting Instructions for 'Stress Relief'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 Unused piece of paper
  • 1 White candle OR Red candle
  • 1 Fireproof bowl
  • Something to light a fire with
  • Red candle= Health and Strength
  • White candle= Peace
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 Unused piece of paper
  • 1 White candle OR Red candle
  • 1 Fireproof bowl
  • Something to light a fire with
  • Red candle= Health and Strength
  • White candle= Peace
This is a spell from my personal Grimoire so enjoy!

On a piece of paper write these words:

Magic moon burning bright, Let my will be done tonight,
answer now my earnest spell, let things with **** all be well.

Replace **** with the persons name.

Now light the candle you have chosen and meditate.

Imagine that persons frown becoming a smile.

Now put the piece of paper in the flame then drop it in the bowl.

As it burns away chant this 3 times:

By the power of three so mote it be.


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Part of the Howling Heart Library.


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