Dragon Energy Stone

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Dragon Energy Stone
A stone filled with dragon energy which can be used to increase fighting ability and give you the will and power of dragons.

Casting Instructions for 'Dragon Energy Stone'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • An average sized stone
  • Water
  • Lavender
  • Boiling Water
  • Leaves
  • Soil or ground
  • Fire
  • Ash
  • Salt
  • Sugar
  • Crystal
  • Iron
  • Bowl/Mug
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • An average sized stone
  • Water
  • Lavender
  • Boiling Water
  • Leaves
  • Soil or ground
  • Fire
  • Ash
  • Salt
  • Sugar
  • Crystal
  • Iron
  • Bowl/Mug

First take your stone and cleanse it by washing it in cold water. Next cover the stone in leaves and bury it in the soil/ground and leave it buried for 1-2 days. Then dig up the stone and rub it in ash and sugar before leaving it in a dark place for a day.

When that day is up, either cover the stone in oil and set it alight for a 5 mins, or use the fire to heat up the stone for 5 mins. Finally, get your bowl/mug of boiling water with your Iron and Crystal in it and add your stone.

Add the lavender then leave for a night to go cold. After this you have your stone the chant this three times: "Dragons of the Fires, Water, Earths, and Winds. Give me your power to be stronger, Knowledge to be smarter and speed to be faster. Give me your will, your strength, your speed, your soul, your power and your energy. For whomever may possess this stone, shall be able to use your energy for whatever the wish. So Mote It Be! so Mote It Be! So Mote It Be!"


Added to on Jun 23, 2014
Last edited on Jun 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You can gain small physical advantages, but do not expect to breath fire or grow wings and fly, as a warning usually when you improve one physical atribute it usually takes away from another, Example: If you wanted to be stronger, you would probably be slower.

Sep 09, 2022
Care to elaborate on this?

Firstly, this spell demands a lot and spells that promise phenomenal powers are fake. Secondly, the ingredients listed do not coincide with the spells claims. The items used in spells are chosen for their Magikal properties. You would not use deadly nightshade in a love spell for instance. Thirdly, unless you work with dragons, do not bother them. Fourth, you do not ask spirits to possess things, you either bind them or they choose to possess it.

Sep 08, 2022
Care to elaborate on this a bit more?

Sep 09, 2022
What part do you need elaboration? How I could tell this was fake at a glance? Spells need to be specific. The energy needs a direct path. Claiming a spell will grant speed, strength, wisdom and other abilities is too broad for the energy. A love spell is just a love spell, it is not a love, wealth, beauty and health spell. You would cast one spell for love followed by one spell for wealth and so forth. Each casting is specific for that goal and the energy is charged for that one solution. Is it the ingredients? I feel I explained it, but items in a spell are selected for a specific purpose. Yes, two items could have similar attributes and therefore a spell can be altered. But, if you cast a peace spell and swap chamomile for lavender you would still have a peace spell because they both have calming energy. What leaves? What crystals? What stones? Are crystals not stones? Why do need sugar and ash? How does that assist in granting you superhuman powers? These are some of the basic questions the spell does not answer. Therefore, it does not work. Is there confusion surrounding calling forth dragons when you do not work with them? It is a respect thing. Dragons are astral beings who do not care about humans. Most spiritual beings do not. However, some are willing to walk with you on your path should you desire to build that relationship. Casting a spell that calls on an entity you do not know is dangerous. They could be hostile. This spirit could be offended by your actions. Telling a spirit to help with your spell is akin to telling a stranger to hand you fifty bucks because you said so. Some might, others may ignore you, a few would say no, and a couple would attack you. Dragons, fairys, mermaids, demons, angels, spirits, deities and so on would react the same. Dragons also have different ethics, rules and morals than humans. The same goes for all spiritual beings. I do not work with dragons, I work with fairys, so I cannot say for certain if a dragon would ignore an outlandish request. I know plenty of fairys who would cause misfortune to befall you should you pester them with this. And regarding the possession, it was a nitpick with terminology. But also, a dragon would not willingly be trapped in an object simply waiting for someone to ask for stuff. Dragons might come and assist you with spells, but they do not sit around waiting to be called on. Have I sufficiently explained myself or do you require further elaboration? If you do, please specify what exactly you require an answer to.

Sep 09, 2022
Dragons take things literally. This spell says ''give me your (insert powers)'' so it would be read as demanding, disrespectful and unreasonable [since you want a Dragon's soul and they cannot do this. If this was meant as symbolic, again, Dragons are literal. Don't say something like ''burn like fire'' unless you want something to catch fire] Dragons guide us. While they can help us magically, they don't give powers out for fun. They don't help just anyone. And they don't contradict nature with their magick. Dragons know more about magick than humans [spiritually, humans are rather low] so they wouldn't be so foolish as to alter the physical. Different planes have different magickal laws, and the physical is pretty ridged with its rules [magick doesn't contradict nature] so while a Dragon may grant certain abilities in the astral, and may bless you with good fortune in the physical, they won't willingly trap themselves to grant wishes and impossible power to any random human.

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