Break up Candle Spell

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SpellsHealth  ► Attraction  ► Break up Candle Spell
Simple break up spell, best done on the full to new moon. Be careful what you wish for though.

Casting Instructions for 'Break up Candle Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Girl:
  • 2 Pink candles
  • 1 Blue candle
  • Dove's Blood Oil
  • Pin
  • 1 Pink String
  • Boy:
  • 2 Blue candles
  • 1 Pink candle
  • Dove's Blood Oil
  • Pin
  • 1 Pink String
  • If same sex, use all the same colour.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Girl:
  • 2 Pink candles
  • 1 Blue candle
  • Dove's Blood Oil
  • Pin
  • 1 Pink String
  • Boy:
  • 2 Blue candles
  • 1 Pink candle
  • Dove's Blood Oil
  • Pin
  • 1 Pink String
  • If same sex, use all the same colour.
~Take each candle and carve each persons names into their representing candle. Example, take one pink candle and carve your full name, the second pink candle, carve the girlfriends full name, and finally take the blue candle and carve his full name.

~Anoint your candle with the Dove's Blood oil, rub it from the center down, then center up with your index finger on your power [writing] hand. Visualize the person being attracted towards you and leaving their current partner. Chant

(desired person's name) I love you,
(desired person's name) love me too,
(desired person's name) be drawn to me,
and far away from you.
(partners name) be hated,
(partners name) be scorn,
it is I (your name) that they adore.

~Place your candle on the far end of a table. Place their two candles together on the other end. Light each candle, watch them while they burn [about 5 minutes] then snuff each one out, leaving your candle for last. Repeat this every night until the new moon, each night moving the desired person's candle away from it's partner, towards your candle.

~On the New Moon, bind your candle and your desired persons together with the pink string, anoint both with the doves blood oil:

We are together now (desired person's name)
and (partners name) is no more.
Come to me, (your name), who loves you so.
(desired person's name) love me,
stay beside me,
never leave me,
so mote it be.

~Keep the two candles bound until the full moon. Hopefully the candles are still big enough to light them. if not, light them on the full moon.


Added to on Aug 17, 2012
Last edited on May 13, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I was just wondering do you carve the names into all candles or do you write your name in one pink candle the partners in the other pink candle and your loved one in the blue and then leave one candle untouched? kind of like a centre point inbox me with the answer blessed be x

Aug 14, 2019
Each candle represents a specific person, you should carve that name into that specific candle. The colours are meant to represent their gender identity [you can use 3 pink if they're all female, 3 blue if all male, if they are non binary you could use a colour you feel represents them, or use 3 white candles if you prefer]

After binding the candles together is the full moon the next time you light them? I wasn't sure because you mentioned the size of the candles.

Nov 02, 2019
You light them every night, and if timed correctly it will be on the full moon when you bind the candles, then leave them to burn out completely.

I did a spells years ago, to breakup my mom and her creepy boyfriend. It was like a “breakup true love spell” and her boyfriend stayed around but her ex ended up disappearing and he’s been missing since. The spell needed a picture a candle a rope. Does anyone know which one I’m talking about? The spell works. Insane. If anyone knows let me know 💛

This spell calls for doves blood oil. Can dragon's blood oil be used as a substitute? I can't find doves blood oil anywhere

I want to make sure I understand the timing. Is the first part of the spell done from the full to new moon and the second part done on the new to full again? Seems like long tapers would need to be used. Second, once the new moon passes what do you do with the candle of the third person? Is there a best way to dispose of i?

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