Youth spell

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SpellsHealth  ► Attraction  ► Youth spell
For everlasting youth

Casting Instructions for 'Youth spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • black candle
  • chalice of water
  • salt
  • two spoonfuls of Vervain
  • piece of
  • petrified wood
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • black candle
  • chalice of water
  • salt
  • two spoonfuls of Vervain
  • piece of
  • petrified wood

Vervain: For everlasting youth, this spell must be performed
when the moon is full.. Go outdoors and light one black candle.
Take a chalice of water to which you add salt, and two spoonfuls
of Vervain. Mix thoroughly and dip into this water a piece of
petrified wood. Pass the rock through the flame of the candle
and chant:

''Candle, herb, rock, water, salt,
Hear me as my song is sung,
Age is not my hearts desire,
It is youth to which I aspire,
Candle, herb, rock, water, salt.''

Repeat the ritual and chant seven times. As each chant is said, touch the rock in turn to first one foot, one hand, one shoulder, crown of the head, and then down the other side of the body to shoulder, hand and foot. When the spell is finished, take the rock immediately to the nearest river, beach or stream and throw it in.


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Part of the Shaman's Way Library.


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Do you only pass the rock through and chant Seven times or do you mix everything together seven times?

Oct 28, 2020
Not sure. I can check with a friend who knows more about this stuff.

that is a pagan pray. that is not real and this pray will not be come true. it could be better Dear God Hear me as my song is sung, Age is not my hearts desire, It is youth to which I aspire,

This spell is flawed. If this is a spell to prevent you from aging, it will not work. Humans age. We are spiritual beings in physical form. Life is a temporary cycle you are meant to experience, not cling to forever. If this is a spell to appear youthful forever, the outlined spell would not aid in that. If you enchanted your face wash, or said a chant while performing your regular beauty routine, then I could see this spell working. As outlined, you enchanted a rock to stay youthful, then tossed it in the river. This would work better if you were using the rock to remove unwanted energy, not if you want to appear youthful forever.

On the topic of youth, while you can strive to appear physically youthful, youth is more a state of mind. The more you worry, the older you will look and feel. I am not saying ignore current events, but find what brings you joy every day. A gratitude journal can help you. A hobby can help you. Heck, dance in the rain. Time waits for no one. Every second that passes, you are one second older. Find the joy in life and you will stay youthful. Go touch grass, as the kids say. That was intentionally meant to sound cringy, but my point remains.

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