Become Popular

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SpellsHealth  ► Attraction  ► Become Popular
Use this spell to increase your popularity!

Casting Instructions for 'Become Popular'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A luck charm
  • Your favorite shirt
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A luck charm
  • Your favorite shirt

Put on your favorite shirt and the luck charm, then chant:

"I will be popular
I will be cool
I will be popular
Even in school
A friend making person
That's me
So mote it be"


Added to on Mar 22, 2014
Last edited on May 13, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Visualize yourself being popular while you are saying the chant.

As outlined, this does not work. You could use this as an affirmation to set your intention for your day. However, there is a lot which goes into popularity, and most do not wish to put forth that effort. Furthermore, the negative aspects of popularity need to be brought into consideration. Think of people who are popular. How do they look? How do they dress? How do they act? How many people hate them? If this spell was to work, you would need to change everything about yourself. To be popular means you must conform to this standard and be willing to be isolated. Everyone will know your name, but few will know you as a person. Many will assume you act a certain way, and might be disappointed to discover the true you. Be true to yourself. Popularity is a trend, which will end, and will only lead to disappointment.

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