Pink Rose of Beauty

SpellsHealth  ► Attraction  ► Pink Rose of Beauty
If you ever wanted to be beautiful enough so people would notice you.I felt that way hurt.But this will help you with ease.May backfire...if backfire you will turn ugly and smelly.

Casting Instructions for 'Pink Rose of Beauty'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 Orange Candle
  • 1 Emerald Green Candle
  • Needle
  • Pink rose
  • Full moon
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 Orange Candle
  • 1 Emerald Green Candle
  • Needle
  • Pink rose
  • Full moon
Go into Your room 7 min before 12 on a full moon. Sit on the floor facing north.Light the orange candle (for attraction) and chant:

Beauty, Beauty, Beauty...
Let it shine down on me...
Please goddess Aphrodite...
Please with All Your might...

Light the Emerald Green Candle (attraction of love)

Attraction, Attraction, Attraction...
Let me be the completion...
Please goddess Aphrodite...
Please with All Your might...

Put the pink rose connecting the two candles.Prick Your ringfinger of Your left hand. Drip one Drop in each candle. chant:

Goddess of Aphrodite...
Please with All Your might...
Make me as beautiful as you...
Please make this spell come true...

Put out the candle with water only...Fingers are rude.

Realise you have a great gift.


Added to on Dec 07, 2014
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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