Be careful what you wish for, this spell will make your crush obsessed with you, all they think about is you.
Casting Instructions for 'Make Your Crush Crazy About You'
You will need the following items for this spell:
5 items (candles, flowers, stones, leaves, ect)
You will need the following items for this spell:
5 items (candles, flowers, stones, leaves, ect)
Place the four items as four corners of a square, and the fith in the center. Walk around the circle, and touch each item (light them if they are candles) calling out to the spirits of that direction. Then stand in the middle and call out to the spirits of the universe.
Sit in the middle and say: "Spirits here, spirits there, spirits everywhere, come and assist me. Cloud (crushes) mind and allow him/her/them to only think of me. Make them obsessed with me, their every thought surround me, let all they know be me."
Take a break and wrap the yarn around your fingers, toy with it, amd think about your crush: "Let their mind be wrapped around my fingers, let their thoughts be plauged by me. Allow me to toy with it, This is my will so mote it be"
Confusing as this might sound, you cast a circle and close it before the spell, then open the circle at the end [this person just got the terms mixed up] so you cast the circle whichever way works best for you [either look up one if you don't have a circle casting or message me, don't have enough space here] when you're opening the circle you go in the opposite direction/order, so you say thank you to any deities you called in [which isn't needed for this spell] then go to the last quarter [direction] you went to, thank the energy and say goodbye, and walk in the opposite direction giving thanks to each quarter as you go.
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