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SpellsHealth  ► Attraction  ► Attraction
This is how to attract a boy/girl you like or if you already have a boyfriend/girlfriend, it will just, attract.

Casting Instructions for 'Attraction'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Your Voice
  • Any Gemstone
  • A mirror
  • A candle (**OPTIONAL**)
  • A DNA fragment of the other person. (Hair, sweat, etc)
  • 3 kinds of tree leaves
  • Nighttime
  • Moonlight
  • Glass (not the cup)
  • A picture of you
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Your Voice
  • Any Gemstone
  • A mirror
  • A candle (**OPTIONAL**)
  • A DNA fragment of the other person. (Hair, sweat, etc)
  • 3 kinds of tree leaves
  • Nighttime
  • Moonlight
  • Glass (not the cup)
  • A picture of you

What you do, if you have a candle, light it. Or incsense. Who cares...OKAY, take the DNA fragment, and put it on the mirror. It should reflect. Take the picture of you. Kiss the mirror. Let the mirror shine on the two pieces. Place the 3 tree leaves in a 'triangle' around the mirror. Put the gemstone ontop of the DNA and picture, and say this:


"How do we compare
Oh how I should really dare...
The gods and goddesses make power upon thee,
make (name of person) come to me,
love will be enpowered
my beauty/handsomeness will be showered
I mote it be!"


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Last edited on Jul 01, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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''How do we compare Oh how I should really dare... The god make power upon thee, make (name of person) come to me, love will be enpowered my beauty/handsomeness will be showered I mote it be!

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