Make a Spirit Call You

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SpellsLife  ► Attractive  ► Make a Spirit Call You
Who's on the phone? A Spirit!

Casting Instructions for 'Make a Spirit Call You'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Phone
  • Gold Candle
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Phone
  • Gold Candle
Light the gold candle and hold the phone really close to it but just close enough so it wont get burned. Now say three times:

A spirit on the phone,
A spirit's not alone,
It creeps all night,
But now it has a fright.

Your phone should ring and it will say UNKNOWN NUMBER. Ask the spirit questions to get the conversation started.


Added to on Dec 06, 2012
Last edited on Jul 16, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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if i say my grandpas name will he call?

Oct 24, 2022
A spirit can copy his voice to find you and cause you harm so always be very careful.

Personally I would be scared to try this, as bad as I want to talk to my mother. I'm afraid some other entity would wreak havoc on my life

Mar 09, 2020
If you protect yourself with a circle and crystals or insense that could prevent possible possession. Have set questions that only your mother knows the answer to. Hope this helps

If I say a name of a certain dead relative will they come through

This doesn't work. You might use your phone's black screen to skry, but that's about it.

You cannot summon a spirit to call you. This sounds like a slumber party game and not Real Magik.

do i need a gold candle or can i use one of those ikea candles?

Jul 17, 2023
As stated in previous comments, this spell probably won't work. That said, I've heard of instances of people supposedly getting calls from someone who have passed on, but I don't really know how likely that is or how that would even be possible.

do i need a gold candle or can i use one of those ikea candles?

Feb 19, 2024
i am wondering that to but what if you don't have candles *don't ask we don;t do candles* can we do it with something else

Feb 19, 2024
You can use any candle you want. White's a stand-in for any colour. [Also, consider the size of the candle you're using. If you want to try this for, say, 30 minutes, a large 12-hour candle might not be the best to use] You can use birthday candles, Ikea tea light candles, pillar candles, even electric candles. As for colour, you can place it on a piece of coloured paper/cloth or anoint it [if you're on WitchTok, you've probably seen RoitAddams and how they use colourful ink/oil drops on their candle] Looking at this spell, the candle doesn't do much, so it can be omitted. Candles usually represent the fire element, a person and/or spirit in a spell. If you are channelling, the movement of the candle flame would indicate if a spirit was present. [You can do the same thing with water skrying, smoke skrying or pendulum among many other methods] Reading over the spell, however, I'd recommend trying automatic writing.

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