Simple Powerful Love Spell

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SpellsLife  ► Attractive  ► Simple Powerful Love Spell
A simple love spell for anyone.

Casting Instructions for 'Simple Powerful Love Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Envolope
  • Red pen
  • Paper able to fit in envolope
  • Favorite lipstick or such
  • Bed
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Envolope
  • Red pen
  • Paper able to fit in envolope
  • Favorite lipstick or such
  • Bed

Write with red pen.

I call apon the universe to bring together /the people/

Put in envolope and kiss it with your lipsticked lips.

Put under matress and leave for as long.

Should take about a week to fully work.
The love conditions should gradually improve.



Added to on Feb 25, 2013
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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this is a powerful love spell if you have faith in your heart, faith in your casting, yes this does work. This may also be combine with the simple love spell. Best perform on the person when you know they are asleep Only 1 person at time. Best preformed during 1st quarter of the moon.( Signs in Tanrus & or Scorpio ) Warnings : Make sure your bedroom is fully decluttered & super clean nothing under mattress or bed. Sage room . Make sure you have the room free of dust totally clean .Preferred 2 matching night stands & matching candles or lamps. Fresh clean sheets. Placing the love rune with the 8 of wands increases the power. Beware : If room is messing or dirty or you tell anyone about your casting total chaos may occur. Keep in mind : a man or woman gotten with any love spell charm hex etc.. may be taken from you by magick. Too much magick is hurtful to the person. You must believe in your own casting after casting forgetting the spell works faster do not talk or even think about the casting. No casting is going to work 100% of the time. Casting is an art not an science. Variables factors , ex. may work on Beware casting love lust spells . a certain person when properly casted & not a diffident person.

Apr 30, 2022
maybe I'll use this spell, but of course, I'll write very long narrative and very long powerful incantations on the paper, Even write them on the envelope as well. Would you please explain about, Why do we need to do this spell in the signs of taurus or scorpio? And first quarter of the moon?

thes is realy

Feb 22, 2019
Thus is junk

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