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SpellsLife  ► Attractive  ► Fangs
Grow fangs with a simple chant.

Casting Instructions for 'Fangs'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Picture of fangs you want
  • Mirror
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Picture of fangs you want
  • Mirror

Stare in to the mirror while looking at the picture of the fangs you want. Then say: "Fangs,fangs come come to me so I please. Gods and goddesses hear my dark remedy so mote it be".


Added to on May 19, 2013
Last edited on Mar 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I am going to check if I have fangs in the morning

Feb 20, 2019
This spell will not work.

how many times do we say this?

Aug 05, 2019
did it work?

Just get implants like i did befor a wish spell backfired but Why is thare so meny fake spells on here is it becus peaple are being dumb or thay are trying to make peaple bleave that thay can (fiscally transform and more but magick cant change your form because magick dose not go against nature

You cannot grow fangs with Magic.

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