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SpellsLife  ► Attractive  ► Love
Make any one love you.

Casting Instructions for 'Love'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Fresh rose petels
  • Blood of the one you love (or hair)
  • a red or pink candle
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Fresh rose petels
  • Blood of the one you love (or hair)
  • a red or pink candle
Burn the fresh rose petels and drop the blood (or hair) on them as you do so.
Repeat this chant intill you are done,
''Love is life. Love can change. Find the one who is for me. Make him(or her)love me for all eternity!'' then when done scream as loud as you can
'' So mute it be!''


Added to on Feb 07, 2014
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Is this really work??

May 24, 2019
It might. If you put enough energy out and tell the universe you want to find someone to love [not a specific person, but the person you're meant to love] it can bring someone to you, and you can fall in love with them. Where this spell fails however is the ''forever'' part of it. Spells aren't permanent, and relationships take effort. You may find someone who you love for a time [could be a month, could be 10 years] but eventually you go your separate ways. It doesn't mean the love wasn't real, or the spell failed, we have many loves in our life, and love has many forms, so try the spell and see for yourself how well it works, just remember love is complex.

the amount of energy you'll need to put out is unbelievable you best really love them

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