Honey Elixer

SpellsLife  ► Attractive  ► Honey Elixer
Drink when feeling old.

Casting Instructions for 'Honey Elixer'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Honey
  • Sunlight
  • Voice
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Honey
  • Sunlight
  • Voice
Put honey outside at noon, at the peak of the suns rays, and let it sit for an hour, after, take the honey and put some on a spoon and hold the spoon to the sky and say: ''Honey preserve me, fire change me, air raise me.'' Then eat when feeling old, sick, ugly, weary...Etc


Added to on May 03, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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just tried this, i just feel a big sugar rush lol. i can see how it could work, but i would edit it, put a dab on my wrists and third eye, meditate and reflect on ''youthfulness'' then have a cup of tea sweetened with the honey [you could have a teaspoon, but it would be a real sugar rush] you might also consider having hot honey and lemons when you feel weary/old as this can also help fight off colds.

Dec 22, 2023
Thanks! I didn’t find the spell/chant very helpful but this comment helped.

If possible, you should bless your food. You should find the Magikal uses for food and use it mindfully. However, this is simply eating honey. Nothing wrong with a treat, but use the honey to make a tea, cough drop or other thing that would help you heal. Honey on its own will not heal you.

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