Simple House Blessing

SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► Simple House Blessing
In the Native American culture, it is believed that to live peacefully in a new home, it is best to smudge your home with a combination of white sage and sweet grass. This cleanses your new abode of all of the negitive energies left by the previous owner.

Casting Instructions for 'Simple House Blessing'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • One bundle of white sage
  • One bundle of sweet grass
  • One abalone shell
  • One eagle feather
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • One bundle of white sage
  • One bundle of sweet grass
  • One abalone shell
  • One eagle feather

Put the sage and sweet grass into the abalone shell and light it. Once it begins to smoke, use the eagle feather to spread the smoke. Start by smudging the front and back doors. Simply spread the smoke over the door ways and pray that the negative energies occupying your home dissolve. Pray for wellness and joy.

Once you feel you are finished with the front and back doors, do the corners and walls of each room in the house, again praying for health and wellness. Doing it in this order also ensures that the negative energies aren't able to reenter the house. If you have a two story house, do the downstairs first and then do upstairs, doorways first, then the rest of the rooms.


Added to on Jul 21, 2015
Last edited on Sep 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This is how indigenous people cleanse their space and it does work. However everything listed from the items to the method are part of a closed practice and should not be used by anyone who is not of indigenous decent. And no, I do not mean ''my great-grandma was half native'' I mean you have a clear connection to the culture. Using spells and rituals from closed practices is disrespectful and can upset the spirits from that practice. Not to mention white sage and sweetgrass are being over harvested and are therefore endangered. As for eagle feathers, it is illegal for anyone who is not of indigenous decent (legally native, not ''I got some native somewhere'') to own one. In Canada, I think it varies by Province. I know in Ontario you cannot sell them, but they can be gifted to non-natives.

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