Anubis Sacrifice and Protection

SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► Anubis Sacrifice and Protection
To put a protection spell on a piece of jewelry/amulet. It is a sacrifice of your life to the god Anubis in exchange for his protection.

Casting Instructions for 'Anubis Sacrifice and Protection'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 pentacle/pentagram
  • 6 candles (5 all the same colour, 1 different colour)
  • 1 lighter
  • 1 knife(or sharp object)
  • 1 piece of jewelry/amulet
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 pentacle/pentagram
  • 6 candles (5 all the same colour, 1 different colour)
  • 1 lighter
  • 1 knife(or sharp object)
  • 1 piece of jewelry/amulet

Draw a pentacle or pentagram then place 1 candle at each point on the star (all the candles must be the same colour). Put the candle that is left to one side and light all 6 candles. Now place the jewelry/amulet in middle of the pentacle/pentagram. Slice/prick finger or hand (somewhere able to let the blood drip on to the jewelry/amulet). Let 1 or more drop off blood drip as you say:

'I call upon thee, Anubis,
to make this my protection charm.
May my blood, be my sacrifice to thee,
in which I give my life.
Come forth Anubis,
so thee can protect me,
so long as this jewellery/amulet shall grace my skin.'

Now take the 6th candle (odd coloured one) and place it where the jewelry/amulet was. Then hold it above a flame and chant: 'tolle (t-ol) abjecistis (ab-jest-seast) victismam (vec-tiest-mam) meam (m-yem) et (a) custodierit (coo-sto-de-re-seat) me(me) semper (se-m-pair)"


Added to on Aug 03, 2015
Last edited on Sep 16, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


Comments are open to members. Join today and be part of the largest pagan / new age community online. could also just, ya know, enchant it the normal way? In moonlight? No blood required.

Feb 25, 2020
A blood sacrifice to Anubis is odd, but some do use blood in their spells [but just a few drops, don't slice your hand] I do take issue giving blood to a deity simply to create a protection charm. If you have a close relationship with the deity that's one thing, but if you simply wish to call on Anubis for protection, I would give a different sacrifice as blood tethers you to him.

This sounds like fiction. You can call on Anubis for protection, but he will not ask for your life in exchange. You also do not need to to give blood for a protection. As far as I am aware, Anubis is not a deity associated with blood offerings. Should you preform blood magick, you prick your finger, you do not slice it, or cut open your hand. A single drop of blood contains all the Magik you need. As outlined, this does not sound like a real spell, instead it is meant to sound cool.

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