Flushing Spell

SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► Flushing Spell
This is a spell to help ''flush'' away your troubles.

Casting Instructions for 'Flushing Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Toilet
  • Toilet paper or Kleenex
  • Pen/pencil
  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Toilet
  • Toilet paper or Kleenex
  • Pen/pencil
  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
Write your oppressor's name on a piece of toilet paper or Kleenex, and while keeping your thoughts on the perpetrator, flush it down the toilet. If you want something more dramatic, follow it with a bit of baking soda mixed with vinegar so that the toilet temporarily represents a bubbling cauldron. Goodbye sorrows! Goodbye troublemaker. Goodbye bad ex boy/girlfriend... Flush....


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Part of the Spirit Seers Library.


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This does work. You might wish to do a cleansing as well, but this is a way to symbolically say you are done with someones... Excrement. Be sure to focus your intention while doing this, but you should feel a sense of relief once this is done.

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