spell to turn into a vampire over night

SpellsLife  ► Death  ► spell to turn into a vampire over night
This is a spell to turn into a vampire.

Casting Instructions for 'spell to turn into a vampire over night'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Night(around 9:00)
  • Be alone(like in your bedroom)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Night(around 9:00)
  • Be alone(like in your bedroom)

Say this spell ten times.Then, in the morning,you will have the side effects shown below after you say it ten times, say

''I'm now one of the vampires.''

Here is the spell:

"Blood red, pale skin. Moonlight draw me in. Quench my thirst, coursing veins, let my body feel no pain."

Here are the side effects:

  • Toothache
  • Blood cravings
  • No reflection.
  • Garlic Allergy
  • Sensitive to light


Added to on Jul 04, 2012
Last edited on Oct 22, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I have a rush of energy is that Normal?

Apr 26, 2019
You charged energy into your body, but probably didn't ground it

I wish a vampire could bite me cause spells dont seem to work on me no matter how much i believe

Jun 05, 2019
Vampires in this way are not real and so you cannot become one, spells to change your genetics, species or physicality are also not real as magick cannot defy natural laws.

Will not work!

You cannot physically transform into a vampire.

you cannot become a vampire

People be like: ''Say this line of text I made up 10 times and it will work''. C'mon folks, this is witchcraft, not the Catholic church. Something like this will never work.

Have you ever thought about that vampires and werewolves are just a form of a demon.

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