How to make a Death Note Spell no. 1
This is based on the anime called Death Note. Ones created by magick can be deadly and have consequences unimaginable for the foolish and dabbling. Make sure you have enough magickal experience before trying this.
You will need the following items for this spell:
- A Note Book
- Any Undecipherable font or language
- Paper to copy the font on
- Menses, Blood, or Saliva
- A Pen and a marker to write it on
- A Pen to inscribe the note book
- Dragon's Blood Ink to hide fluids
- Full Moon (optional)
Casting Instructions for 'How to make a Death Note Spell no. 1'
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New Beginnings ritual kit
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First buy a note book from any store in the innocent manner.
Then a pen and a marker.
But if you have a notebook, tear out its pages if it is the blank one.
It is the cheaper way to have them. Same goes for a light colored pen and a marker to mark it with.
Then go to and go to translation. Copy and paste it in word or in the preferred dicitionary of fantasy and magickal language online.
Use undecipherable language or font (For font Elvish and Enochian works best for some people. In English, I would advise you to write in Drow or other transliterate language in English since only you can translate it unless some religious freak or a pig (anarchist slang for cop or a detective cop) gets a hold of it.)
For example, since I will use drow: ''Memory of Death'' goes like this: Zha'linth d' Elghinn for translation. But if you want to make it truly undecipherable type in the font of your choosing as long as no one reads it.
Print it off, and write down in your blood or spit by copying from the paper you've printed off. I prefer spit since it doesn't get you into trouble with the psych police and you can easily disguise it into your dragon's blood ink available from many occult stores. I have this ink since I have been involved with the occult in my life and let me tell you, it works like real blood when you combine menses, spit, or blood in it.
Now inscribe one of the phrases for the pen with the marker by saying, ''I'm the lord your god,'' ''Will of god will be obeyed'', or ''Sword of God's will''. Or put the word Goddess or God/dess or even Satan in it by dipping it in ink and writing in the language of your choice.
Put it on the altar with two white or black candles, one near each side and say, ''By the powers of Darkness, I ask this book to kill those with names written into it. By the darkness and might, I summon the angel of death (or Shinigami) to activate this book in pure darkness.'' Then meditate while the candles burn down before snuffing them. Let the darkness get sucked into the book and turn darkest greyish black.
Or if you don't have time, let the candles burn down while meditating on it all day and night long.
The Full moon is optional but grants certain powers to it
Xunigeisha has been a member of the site for 16 years, since Jul 29, 2009
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You cannot make a death note with Real Magic. What you are referring to is a work of fiction. The anime is not a documentary. While you can charge a pen and paper with energy and write your intention and it manifests, death requires more energy, and one cannot write down a name and they die.
So I wont go to heaven or hell for eternity
That is a Christian concept. Nobody truly knows what happens after death, but not everyone believes in heaven and hell. Research, soul search, and discover the answer that resonates with you.
bruh... if this was real. it would honestly. be kinda funny. but it's not.
and L looks like a panda you guys cant convince me otherwise.
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