Blood ring

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SpellsLife  ► Enchantment  ► Blood ring
If you want a ring to make you brave or smarter then this is for you.

Casting Instructions for 'Blood ring'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A ring you love
  • A drop of your blood
  • Paper and a pen
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A ring you love
  • A drop of your blood
  • Paper and a pen

Draw a circle in the center of the paper, then draw 5 things that describe you, in circles around the center circle. In the center circle draw 4 different lines in any place as long as they touch the circle put the ring in center and say;"O darkness give me your power over (name three things you want to improve about your self ) I give you a drop of blood bound this rings power to me.
Then put your blood on the ring and put it in a dark room for 10 mins. 


Added to on Apr 09, 2015
Last edited on Aug 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Have you tried this spell? Do you know that it works?

Mar 15, 2019
Try it for yourself and see. Personally I made a poppet and stuffed it with herbs for what I wanted to improve. I would hold it and visualize what I wanted and leave it on my altar when I was done charging it [when I'm not using it, I keep it on my shelf with my spellbooks and oils]

I have some questions

Aug 23, 2021
What are they?

Aug 26, 2021
Just have to say yes or no questions 1 is this black magic 2 what's the spell allow us to get intelligence of a certain person 3 dose this spell deal with the devil 4 and also does this spell while it's the gain braveness from a certain person?

Aug 26, 2021
(1) Not quite sure, it could be, but it's improving things about yourself (2)I don't think so, otherwise it would ask you to visualize the person whose intelligence you want (3) Not that I can see (4) I don't think so (Didn't really get what you were asking). Hope this helped! (I don't know if what I've said is 100% correct so don't take my word for it and maybe do some research to check)

Aug 26, 2021
I need ask you something did you try this spell already ?

Aug 31, 2021
No, why?

Can I use the spell to add new attributes that want?

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