Arts of fighting :3

SpellsLife  ► Enchantment  ► Arts of fighting :3
To know about every martial art in the world. Note say it just one time just to make it easy for you because I love it when a spell is super easy to do and I will say instantly alot in my wish spells so have fun :D

Casting Instructions for 'Arts of fighting :3'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Voice,cystal optional necklace optional,emotion optional,say out loud wisper or in head/mind,beginner or master optional,help from anyone that you want and is optional or say by yourself and visualization optional. And that's it.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Voice,cystal optional necklace optional,emotion optional,say out loud wisper or in head/mind,beginner or master optional,help from anyone that you want and is optional or say by yourself and visualization optional. And that's it.
You can either start of by saying I or we wish depending if your by yourself or with another person angel or god/goddess or spirit or animal say I wish and the univers and the creator of this wish spell wish to know every martial art in the world by the sound of my voice this will become apart of every cell in my body right now instantly 100% and make it a 100% reality right now instantly so thank you for making this wish real so more so be so shall so note so have so need so mote it be. and if you want to change I to we then you can if you want to and were it says sound of my voice you can also say with the sound of our voice as well and also this will work on me as well and the more you say this the more effective it will be on me :D


Added to on Apr 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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These are the most confusing instructions on this website

Aug 22, 2023
Don't bother with spells like these. This is quite obviously fake. Magic can possibly help you learn a skill, but it won't give you instant proficiency in that skill. It takes practice and dedication to master something.

I think the best part of this website is spells like these

I love it when a spell is super easy to do. *Sigh* Spells do not need to be complex. Spells are about intention. However, spells also adhere to reality, do not defy nature, and require you to put in effort for them to work. If you have a mantra you say before you practice a skill, this could work. You are telling the universe what your goal is, charging the energy around you to attract that goal, and putting yourself in the best mindset for that goal. This spell is not real and does not work. You cannot say you want to be a master at a bunch of things with no effort and instantly, you know everything.

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