Get rid of a DemonNegetive Entity, and restore the damage it has done to your chakras. (Very Advanced!!!)
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Get rid of a DemonNegetive Entity, and restore the damage it has done to your chakras. (Very Advanced!!!)
The first part is a banishing, and the second part is a healing and binds the demon and other negative energies away from you, so long as you follow the last steps.
You will need the following items for this spell:
- You will need:
- -Waning Crescent Moon.
- -An item that may have caused this. Basically an item that it's bound to, or an item that binds it to you that you have knowledge of.
- (If you don't have this, find it's closest representation.)
- -2 Black Candles (For banishing)
- -2 White Candles (for purifying)
- -2 Grey Candles (For nullifying)
- (All of these should be long lasting\slow burn.)
- -A lighter or a LOT of matches.
- Pick two to three of the following incense's:
- Jasmine
- Basil
- Sage
- Rose
- Juniper
- Wormwood (Burn with caution!! Goes best with Jasmine.)
- Pine
- Note: Choose one and only one long stick incense. One stick is required.*
- -Fire proof surface for all candles lit.
- -A fireproof plate that you are willing to part with to catch and or light incense on.
- -Black cloth
- (The two above will be used to dispose of bound item. The size of the item will determine the size of the plate and cloth. Try npot to let it be too big or fire froof. If it is, I'll go into more details on how to handle that.)
- -Draw a five point star you can sit in the center of with white chalk, or black charcoal.
- -Draw\Create a sigil representing yourself or a Guardian spirit. You can do both.
- Candles for chakras:
- Pick out one use candles, pretty small and kind of long. Make sure the sizes represent the damage on each chakra.
- (Longest candle equals most damage. Shortest equals least damage. No damage? Pick a stone that is the same colors represents the chosen chakra.)
- Colors:
- Red (Root)
- Orange (Sacral)
- Yellow (Naval)
- Green (Heart)
- Blue (Throat)
- Indigo (Third Eye)
- White or Violet (Crown)
- Items that represent the four elements:
- Earth: A rock or rocks, Large green candle(Not lit), Large green rock, assortment of small green rocks, any stone representing earth.
- Water:
- A large blue candle(Not lit), angelite stone, an assortment of small blue stones or river rocks, one big river rock, any stone that represents water.
- Fire:
- Large red candle(Not lit), bloodstone, garnet, small red stones, large red stone, any stone representing fire.
- Wind:
- Large yellow candle(Not lit), Topaz, small yellow stones, large yellow stone, any stone representing air or wind.
- I will have a picture in my album that accurately represents how to set this up.
Casting Instructions for 'Get rid of a DemonNegetive Entity, and restore the damage it has done to your chakras. (Very Advanced!!!)'
New Beginnings ritual kit

New Beginnings ritual kit
SpellsOfMagic has a huge online store, supplying you with any and all your occult and new age needs.
Part one: Banishing.
1.) First light the black, white, and grey candles.
Do NOT light the incense yet.
2.) Walk away from the circle and grab the bound item. (This is for if it's small and flammable.)
3.) Burn it with the white, grey, and black candles.
(If it's the correct item, it will burn quickly or burst into flames.)
Immediately drop it on the plate to be disposed of, cover it and the plate entirely with the black cloth, and light the incense.
Cover the burned item with the black cloth.
(It has to be bigger than the plate.)
Begin lighting the chakra candles, and sit in the center of your five point star when finished.
If you haven't made your own chant, here's a good one.
Away, Away, Far Away.
Plague me no more on this day.
Wane, wane, go and wane.
Fly Away, Far away.
Away Away, Stay Away.
And from this day, Away you'll Stay.
Feel the energy building up as your soul is freed from this darkness.
Chant until you feel safe enough to step away from the circle.
Part two: Healing.
Step away from the circle and out of the room\vicinity you're in.
Wait until you are sure the stick incense has burned completely out, and try to feel as if the negative entity in trapped in this circle doesn't exist at all.
(What demon? This ritual was simply to catch up on my chakra health!)
This will destroy it.
After you have done this, Walk back in, extinguish all candles, and dispose of the plate, cloth, and all of it's contents.
Do NOT uncover the plate.
Grab the cloth and plate, being extra careful not to touch the contents.
Do NOT think about what you're holding.
Simply avert your eyes, throw it out in a place away from home, or in an outside trash can.
(If in trashcan near home, you must refrain from even thinking about it until the trash is taken to the dump.)
You may have noticed that you started to feel better during the ritual.
All of the colored candles that burned out represent restored chakras. All of the standing candles you had to extinguish had more extensive damage, and therefore will need extra and separate healings.
Take note of these, and have a cleansed day. :)
For if your object is large and nonflammable, or just non flammable:
Tear, cut, or damage the item. If it's a stone or metal item\jewelery piece that's nearly impossible to break, when placing it onto the plate chant:
Down, Down, Away, Away.
This is now your resting place.
A plate of which there's no escape.
A plate and cloth shall be your grave.
Put as much energy into this as possible.
If it's a long necklace, heat up on white, grey, and black candles until hpot or red hot.
The set it on the plate and light the incense.
Ili has been a member of the site for 9 years, since Mar 13, 2016
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