To be able to accept and actions of the past, and to have the ability to move on.
Casting Instructions for 'Accepting a Difficult Situation'
You will need the following items for this spell:
Writing utensil
Fireproof area
Match or lighter
Traumatic experience or something you'd wish to forget
You will need the following items for this spell:
Writing utensil
Fireproof area
Match or lighter
Traumatic experience or something you'd wish to forget
Cast a circle around you and your items. Clear your mind and relive the exact situation you wish to be able to move on from. Think of your emotions during that time, anything you felt physically or emotionally, and keep these feelings at the front of you mind when saying the spell.
Take your piece of paper and writing utensil, and scribble on it to express those built up feelings. If you don't want to scribble, then crumble up the paper. Feel the negative energy from your situation transfer into the paper. Say this spell:
Let the powers of the universe open my mind, let them travel to my memories of a harsher time. This event will no longer be the anchor attached to my life, nor the pain similar to which is caused by a knife. Acceptance is in my soul and let forgiveness take its toll. by the power of three times three, so mote it be.
Then light the paper on fire and watch the smoke disappear into air, watch those negative feelings attached to that memory disappear into the universe.
Would it be possible to destroy the paper by other means? I'd be kind of afraid of burning an entire piece of paper even if I were to do it outside. It seems kind of dangerous. I guess I could do it on pavement
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