To Know What your Child is Thinking

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SpellsLife  ► Truth  ► To Know What your Child is Thinking
As the name implies, this will let you know what your child is thinking.

Casting Instructions for 'To Know What your Child is Thinking'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 3 white candles
  • Mother-of-pearl (if you're a mother) or any other seashell (if you're a father)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 3 white candles
  • Mother-of-pearl (if you're a mother) or any other seashell (if you're a father)
1. Place the candles in a triangle formation around the shell. And light them.
2. Chant these words:

Help this mother/father understand,
The thought inside his/her little man/woman.

To Reverse the Spell:

Son/Daughter in the future, Son/Daughter in the past,
Seeing anew what once had passed,
Return him/her now from whence he/she came,
Right when he/she left, all now the same.


Added to on Aug 14, 2012
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This does not work.

Apr 28, 2021
I am relieved!

How does the shell fit into this spell? Either way this won't work. At best it'll somehow make your child trust you more and be more honest with you. Or help you somehow find out what he/she thinks by chance encounters with a diary or accidentally listening in on a phone call or conversation.

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