Get an Answer

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SpellsLife  ► Truth  ► Get an Answer
This spell helps you get an answer about a situation you're in.

Casting Instructions for 'Get an Answer'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

On the evening of a full moon, form a circle with the index of your dominate hand. Raise your arm until you can see the moon in the circle thus formed and say the words.

"Good moon, Round moon
Full moon that appears,
Let me foresee the future."

Look at the moon. Ask your question. You will receive an answer within 7 days.


Added to on Nov 13, 2012
Last edited on Apr 02, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I have a question. Instead of doing this outside in front the full moon, since I can’t leave my house just like that, are we able to do it in front of a window or something such as that?

May 06, 2019
i'm sure it would work the same, it's probably like when people charge their crystals on a cloudy night, the moons still there, as long as you feel that connection it should work.

Does it have to be a full moon?

Jul 10, 2021
According to this spell, it does. You could try other forms of divination such as skrying, pendulum, tarot/oracle or runes [among others] but for this spell, it claims you need the full moon, since you're calling on the energy of the full moon.

Op also I have a question someone you know the answer or do we find the answer in a puzzle or up in to something that tells us to answer or someone goes up to us someone please answer this question

Jul 10, 2021
A little confused by your question, but if this spell works, there's a number of ways you might receive your answer. If it's ''will I get an A on my math test'' you should be given your graded test within a week. If it's ''will I get my dream job'' you'll probably dream about your future. Be observant of your surroundings, keep a journal, and make note of anything that stands out to you.

Okay thank you also cute if we're trying to find answers for something like I'm trying to find answers for a a wish spell that actually works

Jul 14, 2021
A wish is a spell that doesn't have a specific category [you can wish for a date, or cast a love spell] Light a white candle and visualize your wish. Write your wish on a bay leave and carry it with you. Make a vision board, sit before it each day and imagine your desire. You're setting your intention and telling the universe this is what you want. The key is to go out and get it. Act as it will happen, but when an opportunity arises, take it. Don't sit back and wait for it to be handed to you because it won't be. You still need to put in the effort. Spells just make it easier to attain.

Also I have another question I'm thinking about doing this other spell called the eye of the truth can it give me answers like the answer spell but can it answer like questions or tell the truth about any situation but not just people telling lies

Jul 23, 2021
I need to ask you another question before the night ends will I get my answer on the the seventh day or will you give me answers within the week

In what form of answer is given in seven days?

Apr 05, 2022
That is the tricky part, it can come in any form. It is an act of trying to attract synchronicity from 'the universe' to give you information or omens that you will a) recognize and b) will lead you to the answers you seek. It could be a random book catching your attention or falling to a random page that, when you read it, would be eerily relevant. Or a family member, friend, acquaintance, or just plain random person you meet might feel inclined to start a conversation out of the blue that, again, relates to your conundrum. Or you could start encountering a specific animal, or dream, or image that is symbolically relevant.

The tricky part, is that if the answer you are getting is not the one you want/isn't the one you were looking for, then you are not likely to see it. People don't want to recognize things when they don't support our desires. So if you find you are going about with repeatedly getting 'no answer'... look back a second time over the odd little events encounters and coincidences and consider you might just be not wanting to see what you are being shown.

A little saying I was told once; ''The universe answers all prayers. But sometimes, that answer is 'no'.''

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