Cutie Mark Spell

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SpellsLife  ► Truth  ► Cutie Mark Spell
Makes You See You Inner Talent In A Cutie Mark.

Casting Instructions for 'Cutie Mark Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • -None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • -None
Rub Your Hands Together,
Say 3 Times:
Cutie Are For The Inner Talent, Let Me Find My Inner Talent In A Cutie Mark, So Mote It Be.
After Saying It Three Times,
Look Around And See If You See A Picture That Represents Your Inner Talent.
And When You Have Found One, You Have Your Cutie Mark!


Added to on Apr 21, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Isn't this My Little Pony?

Nov 19, 2021
I have not seen my little pony since childhood so I don't exactly remember. I would consider this a fake or fluff spell. Impractical at best.

Yes its my little pony the persons profile pic is octavia

As outlined, this does not work. It is possible to use a meditation or ritual to connect with your inner self or guides. But, how this one is outlined, it is inconplete and if you are expecting a mark to appear on yourself, or a photo to appear in front of you, no.

A portrayal of underlining attainments determines sustainable architecture. A strong belief needs conduit for any result. A substantial altruistic stronghold encourages. A timed delay for anticipated gain. A stern story likes entangled marveling of syrup. Perhaps one should decide border of reality and art. Strong portrayal acting in certain antique sentiment asterisk. Remember fictional aspects in a lay circumspection of aspects of real life are entirely fantasy. There are limits to existence and art is meant to be appreciated think about how to channel that energy to the right circuit.

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