Summoning a spirit
This spell is to summon a spirit. It's very dangerous because it could be either good nor bad. If you know how to get rid of ghost then your okay, but other than that its very dangerous. Got this from a book.
You will need the following items for this spell:
Casting Instructions for 'Summoning a spirit'
Candle Colors
New Beginnings ritual kit

New Beginnings ritual kit
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Next, set up a tape recorder, or a video camera and set it in the room, somewhere where it can catch almost the full room. On a high shelf, dresser, etc. these places work well, even on a table will be good.
Then, simply sit near the candles or in the room somewhere and start talking. Ask simple questions though, like ''Make a noise'' or ask if there is anyone with you. See, ghosts tend to lurk around everywhere but many people are unaware of it, you may have some type of spirit in your house, or your friends house, without even knowing about it :3
Its probably a nice, peaceful spirit of a family member or something, no worry's.
Ok, then after you ask some question, leave the camera on and leave the room. Try to be as quiet as possible, it will be easier for the camera to catch any noise or voices it may pick up. Watch the candles too, if the flame starts fluttering alot, then that is a sign of a presence, however it will move do to the air in the room, but if the flame goes out, the spirit does not want to communicate :P
You can do this outdoors too, but the wind may effect your results. Try it and see what you get, maybe something paranormal will be caught on camera
1. Gather together the people who will participate. Some say the number of participants must be divisible by three, however, this is not an absolute rule. No fewer than three people should attempt a séance, since one will be the medium.
2. Choose a medium. He/she could be from among the participants, or a professional psychic. The person should have had experience with séances, or is someone who tends to have psychic abilities.
3. Use a round or oval table. This helps create the symbolic circle believed necessary for the ritual, and is, generally, more comfortable when people are close together and holding hands.
4. Set the table. In the center of the table, place some kind of simple, natural aromatic food, such as bread or soup. This is believed to help attract the spirits who still seek physical nourishment.
5. Light candles. Also, in the center of the table, place no fewer than three (or a number divisible by three) lit candles. Spirits still seek warmth and light. This will also be helpful to anyone who can scry by fire.
6. Create some atmosphere. Dim the lights and eliminate any distractions, such as music and television, and noisy appliances should be turned off.
7. Join hands. Seated around the table, the participants must all join hands in a circle.
8. If summoning a particular spirit, the participants must speak these words together: ''Our beloved [name of spirit], we bring you gifts from life into death. Commune with us, (name of spirit), and move among us.'' Otherwise, if no particular spirit is being called upon, say, We call upon the spirits among us who wish to communicate. Please come fort and make yourself known to us.
9. Wait for a response. If none comes, repeat the chant until a spirit responds.
10. Communicate. If and when the spirit responds, either by rapping or some other means, or through the medium; ask your questions. Do not shout out questions haphazardly; decide before hand who will ask the questions, whether it is the medium, or another participant. If the spirit seems to be focused on a particular person, let that person ask the questions.
11. Begin simply. Ask yes and no questions at first, use the method of: one rap for no, two raps for yes.
12. Communicate directly. If a spirit chooses to speak through the medium, you may ask any kind of question.
13. Maintain control. If the séance seems to be getting out of hand, end the séance by breaking the circle of hands, extinguishing the candles and turning on the lights.
14. End the séance. When you're done with your questioning, thank the spirit for joining you and tell them to go in peace. Break the circle of hands and extinguish the candles.
NightBlood has been a member of the site for 12 years, since Feb 20, 2013
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