Change Eye Color

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Change Eye Color
To temporarily change your eye color.

Casting Instructions for 'Change Eye Color'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

Chant the following three or more times while covering your eyes and visualizing your color changing:

"One, two, three, eyes change for me,
One, two, three
(color you have now) to (new color) I see."

Take a deep cleansing breath while you envision yourself with the new eye color, then chant this three or more times:

"By the power of three, so mote it be."

Again visualize your eyes changing from their original color to the new color, then check the mirror.


Added to on Feb 14, 2012
Last edited on May 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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im sad it didnt work for me

Jun 27, 2019
My eyes were still the same. I'm really sad i didn't work.

Eye colour is something that comes from our genetics. Magick cannot alter our genetic code, or physically change us, so we can't change our eye colour with magick. If you are interested in trying different eye colours I would suggest purchasing a good quality set of coloured contact lenses, as magick cannot help.

Nov 13, 2019
1. swearing is against site rules, 2. magick and science work together 3. HearthWitch is simply teaching people real magick has limitations [if you did a little research you would know it doesn't contradict nature] 4. while not everyone who practices spells believes in deities, some do, and not all witches cast spells, there's no correlation between educating new members on the natural limitations of magick, and claiming god isn't real.

You cannot change your physical eye colour. At best, you may cast a glamour to create an illusion, but your eye colour will not change.

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