Modified Body Swap

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Modified Body Swap
Swaps body's with another person.

Casting Instructions for 'Modified Body Swap'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Candles
  • A picture of the person you're swapping body's with
  • A bowl of water
  • Essence of air
  • A rock for the essence of earth
  • A lighter for the essence of fire
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Candles
  • A picture of the person you're swapping body's with
  • A bowl of water
  • Essence of air
  • A rock for the essence of earth
  • A lighter for the essence of fire

Draw a circle. Put the candles on each point of the circle. Put the elemental essences in the appropriate sequence. Put the picture in the spirit element spot. Light each candle starting at the bottom left and going clockwise.

Sit down and chant these words as you stare at the picture of who you are swapping bodies with: "By the power of three, ancestors hear my please. Give me the power to swap bodies with the picture in front of me. By the power of three, so mote it be".


Added to on Feb 21, 2012
Last edited on Oct 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot swap bodies.

Aug 19, 2019
Aw man, that sucks. How do you know? Not doubting or anything.

Aug 23, 2019
your soul is linked to your body during your reincarnation, and cannot leave. [you can astral project, but that isn't your soul] what you could do is theoretically enter someones dream with your astral form, the problem is your body has psychic barriers preventing people/beings from entering your body [hence why in movies people are worn down by ghosts before possession, your barriers are weaker] so if someone lets these barriers down [say, announcing you give your friend permission to enter your dreams] you could enter their dreams, possibly their mind and observe a day in the life of your friend like a passenger in a car, but you cannot enter their physical body and control them because of their own free will, spiritual strength, and psychic barriers preventing this. [it's like breathing, you don't have to think about it, it just naturally happens] you could also try meditating and trying to regress into a past self and walk around seeing things from their point of view, but a living person [as far as i'm aware] you cannot because they would still be in control if you somehow managed to enter their body. [they would have to willingly give up their control, and even then they can easily kick you out]

Sep 12, 2019
Man. I really wanted to try it. See what life is like for other people.

You cannot swap bodies with another person.

as a curious question what if it is a artificial body one without the said restrictions you mentioned? @Nekoshema

Sep 06, 2023
Like a robot? I don't think it would work. Say you're alive and want to put your spirit into the robot body, your spirit would still be tethered to your physical because that's the vessel you were born in during this lifetime. If this is a spirit without a body [they died] then it would be considered possession and it wouldn't be the same thing either. Possession requires a lot of energy to pull off, and most human spirits don't have the energy required to possess a human-sized vessel and move it around [this is why items like rings and dolls are typically possessed. And of those, the ones that move around are usually controlled by non-human spirits like demons, angels, and faeries]

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