Morning Dew

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Morning Dew
This is a spell to make you beautiful.

Casting Instructions for 'Morning Dew'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

The dew in May has always been the witch's beauty secret. An old Cornish proverb associated with the May solar festival of Beltane says: "The fair maid who, on the first of May, goes to the fields at break of day, and bathes in dew from the hawthorn tree, will ever strong and handsome be."

On a Thursday evening during a waxing moon, take a small bowl outdoors and place on the grass. Anoint the rim with vanilla or ginseng and make a statement of your desire to enhance your looks. On Friday morning— Venus' day, the planet ruling personal appearance—, use your hands to bathe your face in the collected dew. Bathe other visible parts of your body with any remaining water. Be sure to visualize clearly the outcome you desire as often as you can from the time you first touch the bowl until the spell is done.


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Last edited on Aug 12, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This is an old spell. Washing your face with morning dew is believed to improve your beauty. You will not splash dew on your face and instantly transform into the most beautiful person in the world, but the energy found in the dew will promote beauty. People may look upon you more favourably, your skin might appear more radiant, and you should feel beautiful. It is not an instant fix, but beauty is not simply the beauty standards pushed by the media. Feel beautiful, know you are beautiful, and people will see you as beautiful. That is the main purpose of morning dew spells.

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