Cat Shifting

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Cat Shifting
So here's a spell to turn into a cat! You will be able to shift back and forth when the spell is in full effect.

Casting Instructions for 'Cat Shifting'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 white candle
  • Milk
  • A few pieces of cat fur
  • Bowl
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 white candle
  • Milk
  • A few pieces of cat fur
  • Bowl

Light your candle, then fill the bowl with milk and put the fur in the milk. Say this aloud:

"Cats are cunning, cats are wise, cats will rise. Make me small, make me fast, turn me into a cat."

Then start licking the milk from the bowl, make sure you lick up the cat fur. Drink it until it's half full and all the fur is gone. This spell will take around a week, possibly more.


Added to on Sep 02, 2012
Last edited on Dec 27, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You can't physically become a cat.

May 14, 2020
Nekoshema you could and tell me what spell works please

May 15, 2020
It's kind of a long answer. I can narrow down the categories for you, but then some spells won't work because of them being improperly written, or an issue that arose during the casting [say protections on a person, the natural flow of energy, poor concentration, so on] Magick is a neutral energy found in nature. It brings natural change on the physical, and doesn't contradict nature. Spells utilize this energy, focusing it on an intended goal, and giving it a positive or negative charge in the process. If something is naturally possible, a spell will work [luck, love, health, spiritual, wealth, beauty and life] spells that don't work are ones that contradict nature and claim to do the impossible [trick and fantasy] the grey area of magick that people debate the validity of would be things that could technically work, but some argue are too much power for humans [weather and death] There are a few exceptions to the rules. A protection spell calling on Dragon spirits would work, while a physically transform into a Dragon would not. If I were you, I would study a bit more, focus on the working spell sections, and when you feel confident/ready, try reading through the others.

You cannot physically transform into a cat.

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