The Posiedon Effect

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Is your element water and you just don't know how to control it? Check out this spell! After casting this you'll be a water genius and truely have ''The Posiedon Effect''

Casting Instructions for 'The Posiedon Effect'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Cup
  • Water (that you are willing to drink!)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Cup
  • Water (that you are willing to drink!)
Take a cup and fill it with any kind of water that you are willing to drink. Now look directly at the cup and say: The water inside here, grow my knowledge on you, the element I got just can't be true, But now it will be, you see, so mote it be! Right after you said the spell drink all the water as fast as you can. Wait for 15 hours exactly. fter that, you'll be a master at your element, water. Now you too can have The Posiedon Effect.


Added to on Oct 26, 2012
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This is complete nonsense and does not work. You can work with Poseidon, you can work with the element of water, you cannot control or manipulate water. Working with Poseidon will not grant you water powers. Being born under a water sign does not mean you have water powers. Each element is a part of us, you might find working with water easier. It does not mean anything special.

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