Make Someone's Hair Fall Out

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Make Someone's Hair Fall Out
Spells like making someone’s hair fall out may sound humorous but then these spells are actually a sort of revenge spells. In fact, in theory revenge spells should not be taken lightly and are sometimes of fierce nature.

Casting Instructions for 'Make Someone's Hair Fall Out'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • An image of the person who is being targeted.
  • Black candles
  • 3 Red candles
  • Rue oil or Olive oil
  • A few strands of the hair of the person
  • Black thread of medium thickness
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • An image of the person who is being targeted.
  • Black candles
  • 3 Red candles
  • Rue oil or Olive oil
  • A few strands of the hair of the person
  • Black thread of medium thickness

Make a circle in any isolated spot like your backyard or terrace. You may even perform this spell in your room. Make sure that this spell is performed only on a full moon night.

Cast an imaginary circle around you. Place the image (photograph or doll) of the target at the center of the imaginary circle. Then place four black candles around the circle, each one facing one direction. You will sit in a direction facing south.

At this direction place two red candles, one on either side of the black candle. At the northern end place the remaining red candle. Now take the hair of your target and affix it on the doll or the photograph.

If you don’t have real hair, you can use the black threads instead. Once this is done, pick up the red candle behind you and bow down once in each direction and seek the pardon of the Lords for the action you are going to perform. Then using the same candle burn the doll or the photograph starting with the hair first.

Once it is completely burnt, exhaust all the candles and leave the room for the next twenty nine minutes. The spell will work overnight.


Added to on Dec 29, 2012
Last edited on Apr 25, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Perhaps a curse will cause the person so much stress they begin to loose their hair, a spell of this nature won't work over night, the vast majority of spells take time to manifest.

No matter what a person does, this is not... Good..

This could work as a curse in theory, but I highly doubt it will work as intended. I do not doubt it has the potential to curse someone with misfortune, but I doubt their hair would fall out unless they have a genetic predisposition.

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