The Darkest Closet

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► The Darkest Closet
To give someone who has harmed you a dark nightmare

Casting Instructions for 'The Darkest Closet'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Two black candles, photo of the person, a lot of faith and belief.. Full moon, a lot of hate for the person, I got this from my friend, message me if its any help
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Two black candles, photo of the person, a lot of faith and belief.. Full moon, a lot of hate for the person, I got this from my friend, message me if its any help
Firstly, put the photo between the two black candles, this has to be a quite place, meditate until you feel its enough, look at the picture, gather all the bad memories and hate for the person and chant:
Moon upon me,
This person has harmed me,
I seek vengeance, I want him/her to pay
Suffering each night, hurting all day,
I put a nightmare upon them, that shall harm them
As he/she has harmed me..

So mote it be..

Be sure to do a protection spell so this won't backfire
Be very sure you want to do this also, because if the hate for the person isn't enough this spell is useless. Also have faith and belief.


Added to on Jan 05, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This might work. It is wise to cast a circle when casting spells because it creates a sacred space and protects you from anything negative. As for backfire, you can do things to protect yourself, but you cannot prevent it.

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