Pollyjuice Potion

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Pollyjuice Potion
Allows a human drinker to temporarily assume the form of another person

Casting Instructions for 'Pollyjuice Potion'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Known ingredients
  • Lacewing flies (stewed 21 days)
  • Leeches
  • Powdered bicorn horn
  • Knotgrass
  • Fluxweed (picked at full moon)
  • Shredded Boomslang skin
  • A bit of the person one wants to turn into (typically hair)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Known ingredients
  • Lacewing flies (stewed 21 days)
  • Leeches
  • Powdered bicorn horn
  • Knotgrass
  • Fluxweed (picked at full moon)
  • Shredded Boomslang skin
  • A bit of the person one wants to turn into (typically hair)
Allows a human drinker to temporarily assume the form of another person

Side effects
Attempts to transform into animals or part-humans will not reverse automatically

Before addition of final ingredient:

Thick and mud-like
Bubbles slowly
After addition of final ingredient:

Taste and colour vary depending on the person being turned into
Brewing time
One month

Difficulty level

Known ingredients
Lacewing flies (stewed 21 days)
Powdered bicorn horn
Fluxweed (picked at full moon)
Shredded Boomslang skin
A bit of the person one wants to turn into (typically hair)


Added to on Feb 02, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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this site is for real magick. Yes, the Harry Potter books are amazing, but this isn't real.

This is from Harry Potter and intended to entertain. Harry Potter is a work of fiction. Real Magik is nothing like Harry Potter, ergo this will not work. You cannot physically transform with Real Magik.

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* All information on this page is provided by the coven or person named and the contents of this page is not mediated by the administrators of the website. Please use common sense when following any directions on this page. Do not ingest anything which does not seem safe. If you suspect the content of this page to be intentionally deceiving please contact us immediately.